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Aggressive biting stallion


I have recently purchased a 4 year old TB Stallion that is extremely well bred. His only flaw so far is that he is an aggressive biter. He has only bitten one person since I received him but it was a vicious bite. Most of the time he is very respectful of humans, but he is like a spoiled child, and he just doesn't bite, he lunges at you and bites out. He has shown this type of action at any time whether feeding, crossed tied, or in his pasture.

I really would like to keep him for breeding, but need help with the problem.

PS: we have other breeding stallions, and none has had the temperament that we were unable to change line him.

Thanks, Bob

Hi Bob,

Well, a couple of things to try would be: One, to put him in a round pen and use a 'flag' (plastic bag on a wand). Play around a bit and as soon as he looks to bite at all, put him to work immediately. Done with enough consistency and skill, this will modify his behavior. Two, get him very good at yielding his hind quarters immediately (both directions with a bit of vigor) upon request. This gives you a tool, some task you can put him to if he looks to bite no matter where you are. In other words, you are making behavior you do not want hard for him as opposed to straight out aggressing or trying to punishing or hurt him, which may prompt him to fight back. This can escalte into a very dangerous situation unless you can figure a way to put him to work when he does what you do not want. Going to battle with him, I think, will make your problem worsen quickly. I am certainly not opposed to a very well timed (within two seconds after the offense), very well placed, pop right on the snout as well. If not done within the right time frame and with the right 'intention' and skill, it can result in a battle.

This course of action (putting the horse to work to modify unwanted behavior) has always worked for me with problem (dangerous) horses. I have worked with numerous stallions and never went to a lot of aggression. Once I can get them moving in a round pen and then doing hind end yields, over a bit of time, I seem to be able to modify the unwanted bahavior. Let me know how it goes and if I can be of additional assistance. I hope my suggestions work for you.

Sincerely, Franklin

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