Franklin Levinson's
Horse Help Center
Professional support for you and your horse!
Un affectionate horse
I'm a great fan of yours a lot of your theories I have put to use and they have
worked everytime, I have a mare she is "the herd leader" of about 5 horses she is the
most unaffectionate horse I have ever come across. I love her so much I don't make
too much of a fuss with her as she tends to dislike that, but she is totally ignorant
not only to me but to anyone (unless you have a carrot) but even then when the
carrots are gone she turns her back on you and walks away. She doesnt even
acknowledge you when you call her name. What I do know of her is that she was badly
abused by someone before I got her but that's all I know. She is friendly and loving
to the other horses but not to people. Do you have any ideas?
Regards Sue
Australia .
Hi Sue,
To get your horse more into 'you' on the ground requires you do a lot more with the horse on the ground. Once haltered or in a round pen at liberty, you must begin to ask for simple movements. Go forward, stop, back, change directions. Provide immediate and lots of rewards for attempts at compliance. Example: lead two step forward and stop, immediate you stop moving and stop asking the horse to move. The give a Good Boy and maybe even a very brief scratch on the withers. Let this little break be about 30 seconds, then ask for a few more steps and repeat the rest of the process. After 5 minutes of a few small steps ask for a few more steps or other simple movement. Then immediately give the 'reward' for the horse attempting to comply. What you begin to see is the horse lowering is head during the breaks and beginning to lick and chew with its mouth. This is showing a willingness to comply with the wonderful leader (you). Through this 'winning cycle' of simple request, attempts at compliance by the horse, immediate reward for good effort by the horse, the horse will come to bond deeper with you because you are actually leading, guiding and directing its movement and giving immeidate reward for the animal 'trying' to comply.
Notice I keep say "the horse trying to comply." A horse may not always get exactly what you are asking as you actually may not know how to ask exactly right. This is why you must learn to recognize when the horse is 'trying.' Reward the try and not look for total,100% exact completion of your request. Rewarding the animal trying will keep it trying. This is really what you want and will begin to develop a deep bond of trust and respect. Start small with simple and little movments. Gradually increase the complexity of requested movement when you can sense the horse understanding it is a good thing to try to comply with your requests as you are its trusted and wonderful leader. Get it?
Let me know if you need more contact info or info on my Australia programs......Good Luck...Franklin